
Monday, July 19, 2010


As I listened to the Daraja Children's Choir sing at church this morning, I wondered why Americans in general are so enthralled by sugarcoated, uninspired things. No offense intended to the choir, as I rather enjoyed their 1st piece, an (to my semi-trained ears) authentic Kenyan spiritual song, and thought that the kids sounded great. However, the entire rest of the program consisted of Americanized pop/worship, with the emphasis no longer even on the choir, but the adult mentor/leader with his generic "soul" voice. The choreography that pervaded the show was also bothersome to me. I don't need to be entertained to worship. This is a trend (don't know if that's a fair term) that really irks me, the totally fake dancing/swaying/clapping that music ministers like to introduce to give the music an immediate emotional impact; but to me it just underscores the lifeless performance usually given to music performed in church. Forgive me for my callousness to whatever "Christian" music is....going to listen to the crickets chirping God's harmony outside right now...